APHR accepts many different breeds, or partbreeds of horses. Horse,
to APHR, is an equine of no less than 13.2hh (hands high). We do not accept, ponies, miniature horses, appaloosas, drafts,
donkeys, or mules.
Horse does not have to be registered with another association or registry. Nor does the breed of the horse have to be known.
Patterns and markings make the Painted Horse. Blue eye(s) and excessive white on face, or legs, are just a few lesser known
distinctive markings that make a horse a Painted Horse. APHR reserves the right to accept or decline a horse due to its colors
and/or markings. Make sure all pictures are bright, clear, as close up as possible, and up to date, not faded, wrinkled, blurred,
dark, or have sun spots. We require 3 pictures of the horse. One right view, one left view, and one of the face.
APHR has two different types of registrations. The "KLASSIC" and the "SPOTLESS".
The "KLASSIC" is for horses that have the patterns and markings of a Painted Horse. They can, but do not have to be, registered
with another association or registry.
The "SPOTLESS" is for horses that do not have any patterns or markings of the Painted Horse, but have one (1) or both
Painted Horse parent(s). (Remember, Painted Horse does not mean a particular breed, it is markings, patterns, and colors that
make the Painted Horse). In other words, if you have a Painted Horse registered in our registry, and it sires or foals a NON
Painted Horse, then we will still register that foal as a "SPOTLESS".
APHR will determine, if it is questionable, what type of registry the horse shall be registered in.